Kamis, 24 Desember 2015


My lecturer gave me another assigment for summarizing a passage. Here is it:

  • The English wewe not the first Europeans to land their ships on America soil but the thirteen English colonies that would later be establish eventually became the United States of America.
  • Sir Walter Raleigh sent an expedition team to found an English colony in North America led by Sir Grenville.
  • When the English reached small island called Roanoke, the English thought that the Aquascogoc -the Native American tribe stole their silver cup and burned the Aquascogoc village.
  • Because of they're hungry and didn't found silver snd gold, Grenville return to England and gradually abondoned his colony.
  • When Sir Walter Raleigh dispatched a further expedition in 1587 they have a trouble with the Native American. John White, the leader sail back to ask for help and left his colonists and his daughter and granddaughter.
  • When he returned to Roanoke three years later after preparing for a naval war, he can't found his daughter, granddaughter, and his colony.
  • No further trace of the lost colony has ever been found and no one knows what happened to the colonists.
That's all my summary. Hope it will make you easier to read the passage.

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